Dear Writers,
I’m excited to announce that I’ll be doing another workshop here in Prague, this time on ‘THE ART OF BOOK REVIEWING.’ More details on the workshop below, but it will be on Monday 17 April @ 18:00 at Ezra’s Bagels new venue in Zizkov, link to FB event:
Book reviewing is a vital bow in many writers’ income stream; it is one of the most reliable and accessible ways of getting published. In this workshop, I approach book reviews as a meeting ground between the text and a particular reader – you, the critic. The ways to interpret and experience a book are as endless as the people who read them, similarly a review can take many forms.
But critical to a review is the unfolding of a particular viewpoint/s and argument – your own – in response to the text; therefore we will look at ways to construct a coherent narrative within a review. This workshop approaches writing book reviews as an artform in itself.
No need to have studied literature (I didn’t!), just have a love for reading and a desire to understand why we may love/hate/are indifferent to a particular book. The workshop will also touch on practical aspects of pitching and getting published.
Note to participants
If you can, please come with a book in mind that you might want to review – it can be a recent book or an old favourite. Bring it along if possible. There won’t be time in the workshop to write a review, but we will be doing some exercises which might be helpful to apply to a particular book. Look forward to seeing you!
A reminder that this is coming up next Wednesday 5 April at 7pm at the Electric Sheep Book Bar. We will dig further into how to write characters that have depth and meaning. Look forward to seeing the old audio drama gang again, and meeting new ones!
Wish I could come to the audio workshop. I'll see you at the book reviewing session!